Friday, November 9, 2012

awkward encounters of the vaginal kind

Posted by: Elyse

So I'm at work last night, slinging cheesecakes.  It had started to die down, there's only like 5 or so of us still serving.  I see one of my tables getting sat, a gentleman and what I assume to be his lady friend.  I head on over, beaming fake smile in place "Hi, my name's Elyse, I hope you're here for the calories, yadda yadda" and then the eye contact is made.  Out of alllllll the 200,000+ people in Richmond, take a wild guess who gets sat in my section on a slow Thursday night.

My male gynecologist.  One of the only people in Richmond who has been face to face with my vagina.  In fact, ALL UP IN MY BUSINESS.  I can't make this shit up.  I had no idea what to do besides act natural.  I mean, I had only seen him once, I dyed my hair since then, and I was full clothed.  Unless I sat down on the edge of the table next to him and "scooted to the edge" spread eagle, I felt like I was safe from being recognized.

But my biggest mistake was going and sharing this hilarity with many of my coworkers. <INSERT ENDLESS VAGINA JOKES HERE> "Hey what's he gunna order, the fish tacos?"  "Have you come to personally deliver my test results?"  "I hope he washed his hands before he came here!"

Needless to say, I probably didn't do the proper amount of table check backs or eye contact.  But damn, that $50 tip on a $35 check was worth flashing some vajayjay ;)

I'm kidding.

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