Friday, August 5, 2011

today i don't feel like listening to you bitch about how you don't feel like doing anything

Posted by: Elyse

I'm wicked sorry if by doing this I get this heinous song stuck in your head, but..... for the love of god.  I haven't blogged in months and music has just kept progressing straight down hill. I'm about ready to board my rocketship with Seb Bach and the Acacia Strain now. Someone call Florida and set that shit up for me.

Look, Bruno.... if that really is your name..... I feel ya on what you're saying. I do.  There's days where I just do not want to crawl out from under my hangover and put on my fancy pants and go to work.  And if that day ever occurs, I usually sleep for about 35% of it, eat a ton of terribly horribly bad for me greasy snacks for 28% of it, watch 90210 reruns and end up googling old Luke Perry pictures for 45% of it..... i think that equals over 100% but whatever.  Point being, I am so embarrassed for wasting a day and becoming a giant fat sloth that I don't tell anyone about it.  I pretend I went to Walmart at least and picked up some qtips or something.  I don't write a goddamn song about it.  You are the laziest son of a bitch on the planet.  How's that, Bruno?  What happens when 500 preteens buy tickets to your concert but you wake up that day and you're like "today i don't feel like doing annnny-thing."  See who sings along then.

PS. HI GUYS!!!!!!! MISS ME?!??!?!?!

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