Dear Sunchips,
I get what your new bags are trying to do for the environment, and like, I'm all about it. I love the environment. I always put my cigarettes out in my ashtray and empty it properly and like I recycle my high life bottles on the reg and I drive a compact SUV as opposed to a friggen Hummer, but for real? with this new bag???? The idea is that all the hippies who eat sunchips are gunna cream themselves bc the bag biodegrades if you throw it out the car window. I mean if you compost it. First of all, who composts in their back yard besides farmers and people with serious vegetable gardens? The average Joe or Elyse does not need a biodegradable bag of chips.
My biggest complaint is that when I stroll home semi or full blown drunk and there is a tasty bag of harvest cheddar or garden salsa sunchips in my cabinet, this new "compostable" bag does NOTHING for my stealth mode abilities. You could pick up the bag of chips with your thumb and index finger sooooo daintily and it sounds like you're stepping on bubble wrap while waving around a flag made of tinfoil in gale force winds. Way to wake up my mom and dad, Sunchips, when I'm trying to pretend like I'm not drunkenly snacking at 2am when I roll home from the bar. When I have to pretend like I don't have a hangover the next day because I drove home and the rents hear me come in at all hours of the night, I'll remember this. I'm not buying you anymore.
I don't know, Elysio... this argument is just not holding up for me. I like the biodegradable bag (that I throw away in the regular trash) because maybe someone out there has their act together. And as for its loudness: hide some in your closet! Go Sunchips!