Wednesday, November 10, 2010

awesome things on my cell phone.

Posted by: Elyse

I've been hoarding these gems for a little bit now and since I havent blogged since Friday (personal reasons, I have a note from my mom and my doctor I swear) I suppose that I'll share them with you now. first of all....., you certainly are getting crafty in your old age.  I'm like, oh the tailgating section, yeah, here will be the typical mini grills and condiment organizers with T.O.'s face all over them, but they really got me with this.  I giggled for like 15 minutes at the straight up ingenuity of this item. It's even funnier when you see it in the catalog they send to your house: 

First off, dude kinda looks like Obama.  Secondly, he is gigglepantsing allllll over the place.  I wouldn't be able to take myself seriously either! I bet the photographer was like, ok now look over at me like you're grilling the guy next to you sitting in traffic.  And Obama II was like.... I (giggle giggle) caaaaaaan't (giggle giggle)! Look at my aaaarmmm!  If I had one of these, every time I was stopped at a light I'd look at the guy next to me, then look forward and furrow my brow and get all serious.  Then when the light turned green, I'd floor it and do 0-60 in about 2 minutes so it looked like I was running with the football! Get it??! I think that's what it's for.

In other news, my friend Courtney provides some meaaaaaannnnn bar entertainment.  And real life entertainment too.  Bar life is separate from real life, as evidenced in this video bc at the bar, Michael Jackson lives on like he never passed away.  Also at the bar, it's totally fine to scream out Skid Row and Ace of Base songs and to wrap your legs around your girlfriends and make lewd humping motions.  Well it is where I live anyway.
Check out Court's sweet dance moves.  As you can tell by my screaming I was really trying to get her to move into the light (Tyra Banks would be so proud).  So ignore my drunk screaming and the first half of the vid where you can't really see anything bc the end is worth it.

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