I feel like this is ok to blog about bc most people who know me know how much I have a thing for 17 yr old scene kids. Or should I say, USED TO have a thing for 17 yr old scene kids. And I'm not talking when I was 17, I mean like now that I'm a semi grown up. I don't know, I can't really explain except that little skinny but extra hardcore young scene boys really used to make me all red faced and giggly. I should probably disclaim right now that NO I never ran around the bases with any of these underagers, or probably even talked to them, so don't go calling Chris Hanson on me. Just admired from a distance...... sighhh...
But I don't know what the hell happened, if it's the music scene that changed or just like.... my location now that I'm not in awesome massachusetts, but the teenaged scene boys around here just DO NOT do it for me at all. I guess it's probably the scene itself that's a little different out here but..... talk about frustrating. First of all, they all wear like..... purple or neon green and obnoxious things like that. It's like, do you really think the Acacia Strain would appreciate you blinding them? No, you're supposed to wear black band tshirts or something. Then, as the 2000s pounded forward, all scene boys' pants got tighter. I was never a huge fan of that i guess but now it's just out of control. Your poor teenage balls!! How are they supposed to develop into big boy balls and attract the foxy scene ladies??? The haircuts are now terrible, and more and more of these little bitches are afraid to get underage piercings and stretch their ears and try to turn me on with all of this.
saddle up, neon pussy.
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