Thursday, September 16, 2010

Clean your balls with AXE

Posted by: Christie

While I was getting ready for work this morning and watching Saved by the Bell per usual, this commercial came on.  I thought to myself wow AXE, you've really out done yourself with this one.  I mean, I can appreciate a clean, fresh smelling pair of balls as much as the next girl, but really? How do these commercials make it past the executive think tanks?  I imagine a bunch of n00bs in suits sitting at a long table throwing ideas around and one says "lets make our next product a ball cleaner" and even better "lets make the commercial a metaphor about how effective it is and star Jamie Pressly in it" and then the dim witted CEO thinks it's the best idea ever and tells them to get to work on it. Sigh. I wonder if any women work in marketing over at AXE.

1 comment:

  1. OMG THIS COMMERCIAL. i don't know whether to be appalled or impressed. bravo xtie, good find!
