Thursday, September 16, 2010

The story of my man-crush

Posted by: Elyse

Christie told me that I wasn't allowed to post without pictures anymore because she thinks that you're all illiterate dummies who are drawn in by colors and flashy things only, so take that up with her.

This post has literally nothing to do with snuggies but I was terrified of getting the belt so... Let me tell you something embarassing.  So there's this big, strapping, manly, buff, deep voiced, long haired, chiseled faced, big black truck driving young man that I've been steeeeezin on hard for like ever.  Just kidding, probably like a few months. But only realistically like a week and a half since my last dickhead boyfriend left me for his ex girlfriend....... I digress.

So I work at a bank and he only comes inside the bank to visit my 50 yr old coworker with whom he flirts harder than he ever does with me, or if he loses his debit card.  So here I am, every time he comes in, all red-faced and sweaty but trying to be adorable and bat my eyes at him and praying my boobies look alluring yet professional.  He strooooollllls in all sexy the other day and I think I'm being adorable when I'm like "Hey Fabio (His name's not Fabio, but confidentiality is important in my job), you must need something because you came inside (ahhhhhhhhhhh that's what she said! couldn't resist)!"  And I flash my pearly whites at him, and he smiles his straight outta heaven smile back but then says.............

"Oh man, you're exactly like kmy mom!"

WOMMMMMMMMMP WOMMMMMMMMMMMMP. epic fail. And that's how I'm going to end the story because it is that much of an epic failure.


  1. I've had a group blog before, and there's a way that you can both post to the same blog, but your individual name comes up at the bottom so dummies like me can tell who's posting :) not that it really matters... but just an idea...

  2. OMG hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah Love you -Patty
