Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is a nostalgia post.

Posted by: Christie 

Since Elyse has been complaining of shoulder pain from carrying the blog on her back the past week, I've decided to finally post.

I have a degree in history, which means, besides from having little to no potential job prospects, I tend to enjoy lots of different things from the past.

This post however, luckily for you has nothing to do with any actual history topics per say, but is more so a nostalgic post.

It's a really good thing the camera was invented before I was born so that I/we can look back on all the cool shit I made my parents waste their money on for me.

I could keep going/making you scroll for days but that will be all for now. Hope you enjoyed this blast from the past. If any of these things don't look familiar to you just consider yourself as having a less than mediocre childhood and try to make up for it by living vicariously through your next child. Feel free to use this post as a template of awesome things to show your child as they grow up.


1 comment:

  1. There are so many reasons why I love this post... 1. Sharon, Lois & Bram 2. David the Gnome 3. SuperSoakers and 4. The McDonalds Halloween buckets.
